National Geographic Virtual Library

Vendor This e-resource has been evaluated by NSW.NET Database Statewide

This Archive collection includes the following parts:

  • National Geographic Magazine Archive, 1888- current
  • National Geographic: People, Animals, and the World
  • National Geographic Kids


This collection brings together a complete archive of National Geographic Magazine, every page of every issue; from 1888 – current (one month embargo).  
Along with the Magazine Archive; a cross-searchable collection of National Geographic books, images, maps and videos as well as National Geographic Traveler and National Geographic History Magazine make  up the People Animals and the World (PAW) collection.

The final part of this collection is comprised of the National Geographic Kids Magazine, from 2009-present (3-month embargo), along with a selection of national Geographic books, images and multimedia.  This collection can be accessed via a separate link to the other National Geographic collections which is useful the public library has dedicated children’s computers


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Vendor Contact

Nick Schapowal
Gale Sales Representative
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 0439 090 496
Level 7, 80 Dorcas Street
South Melbourne
VIC 3205